
Professional Practice Learning and Education Research Group CRO page
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Dr Christine Edwards-Groves
Chair, PPLE Research Group
Adjunct Professor with the School of Education

Christine Edwards-Groves is a literacy educator committed to improving educational outcomes in rural settings. She has a long-term industry links and strong record of research achievement in the field of classroom interaction, dialogic pedagogies, teacher professional practice and development, and practice theory.
Christine is key researcher in the International Pedagogy, Education and Praxis Research Network (PEP), receiving a 10-year service award in 2017 for her active participation and leadership. In 2015, she was awarded the inaugural Literacy Research Grant for PETAA, as lead CI “Researching Dialogic Pedagogies”. Recognised as a world leader in action research, she was invited to co-chair the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (2015-17).
In 2013, Christine was awarded an Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Citation for program innovation developing dialogic pedagogies among pre-service teachers. She has held a number of leadership and governance roles both at a school and Faculty level, and is the current Higher Degrees by Research Coordinator.


Dr Christina Davidson
Associate Professor with the School of Education

Dr Christina Davidson is an Associate Professor in literacy education in the School of Education at Charles Sturt University. She has been an academic for over twenty years and has taught in four universities during her career in higher education. Prior to becoming an academic, Christina taught in a number of schools in Sydney and in Wagga Wagga. Christina has focused on literacy education throughout her career as an educator.


Sharon Ahern
Faculty Office, Arts & Education

Lisa Campbell
School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Lisa is the Academic Lead for Social Work and Human Services Workplace Learning. She has extensive experience in practice leadership roles, including supervision, practice learning and professional development programs. Lisa’s professional experience has predominantly been in the public sector in a variety of health, community, child and family settings. She is an advocate for relationship based practice that creates an environment for change, while working to enhance the well-being of vulnerable people and communities.

Susanne Francisco is a lecturer in Adult and Vocational Education as well as the Masters of Education. Prior to commencing with Charles Sturt University Susanne’s background included: development of mentoring programs for a number of organisations; teaching in TAFE across a range of industries; educational leadership and management; professional development and policy development roles in the Commonwealth Public Service; teaching adult Year 12; and working with VET teachers as well as school principals to support their ongoing development throughout their teaching and leading career. Susanne has taught in universities, schools and Vocational Education and Training organisations, primarily as a teacher educator.

Letitia Galloway is employed as a Lecturer in Professional Practice, at the School of Education, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga. She has extensive experience as a teacher, principal, and executive teacher in rural New South Wales primary schools. Letitia has worked as an educator for over 25 years.

Dr Lincoln Gill
Faculty of Arts & Education

Lincoln Gill is a Senior Lecturer in Technology and Applied Studies based within the School of Education on the Wagga campus. He is also the Course Director for a number of secondary education degree programs including the B Ed (TAS) and the B Ed (Secondary) Industry Entry. Lincoln has worked in the field of educational design and academic development for 10 years. This work included a focus on curriculum design, pedagogy, professional learning, and support and leadership for the use of educational technologies. Lincoln’s doctoral research investigated teacher education students’ use and non-use of ICTs for teaching and learning while on professional experience placements.

Yann Guisard
Faculty Office, Science

Yann has been a Courses Director at Charles Sturt University since 2010. He is responsible for ensuring a collegial approach to the design of new undergraduate and postgraduate programs as well as the evaluation and review of existing programs. He has worked with a range disciplines including Agriculture, Horticulture, Science, Food and Nutrition, Medical Science and Paramedicine. Recently he was appointed as the Course Director for Pharmacy, Dentistry and the Medicine programs at CSU. The role requires team building skills, working with a range of peers, blending the expertise of a range of academic and support staff as well as a strong understanding of the systems and policies governing the institution.

Dr Sarah Hyde
Three Rivers University Department of Rural Health

Sarah has been with CSU, Orange, since 2008 where she was the program leader for the Bachelor of Clinical Science and instituted problem based learning (PBL) in that course.
At Three Rivers, Sarah is leading a team of clinical educators to facilitate positive and impactful rural placement experiences for students, as well as liaise with clinicians and health providers in the communities to support supervision, training, and workforce capacity in our region

Emeritus Professor Stephen Kemmis
Adjunct Professor, School of Education

Stephen is Research Leader (part-time) and co-leader of the ‘Pedagogy, Education and Praxis’ (PEP) international collaboration involving researchers from universities in Colombia, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Stephen has held academic positions at the University of Sydney, University of Illinois, University of East Anglia, Deakin University and the University of Ballarat and also worked for several years as an independent consultant. He has published extensively on professional practice, indigenous education, participatory action research and qualitative methods in educational research. His most well-known publication is the highly acclaimed book (with Wilfred Carr) Becoming Critical: Education, knowledge and action research. In 2001 Stephen was made an Honorary Life Member of the Australian Association for Educational Research (AARE), and in 2009 he was awarded two honorary doctorates for services to international educational research.

A teacher by profession, Kip Langat has previously taught in both primary and high schools and at universities in Australia and Kenya. Kip is currently a Lecturer in Social Studies and Literacy Education. Since being awarded MEd (Hons) Class 1 with specialities in International Education (UNE), Kip has broadened his research and interest in comparative understandings about teaching and learning in a global context. In October 2006, Kip received the New England Award which recognises this involvement in the full international experience and the many opportunities available to develop life skills.

Linda joined the School of Education as a Senior Lecturer in Education in Early Childhood in 2018. She has over 30 years’ experience in early years’ education. Linda is a leader in her field of research and has presented at seminars and lectures related to her research interests both nationally and internationally in schools, Universities, and at conferences. Her field of research links closely with her vast classroom experience and her in-depth insight into the lived experiences of teachers. Linda’s research predominantly focuses on teacher pedagogy and teaching practice that promotes well-being and learning of young children and their families. Her particular interests are teachers’ pedagogical practices with children and families experiencing parental separation and divorce and other family disruption; pre-service teacher practicum placement; social emotional learning and well-being; and English, language and literacy.

Gibson Matimba
School of Teacher Education

Dr Andi Salamon
School of Teacher Education

Andi Salamon is an early childhood lecturer and researcher in the School of Teacher Education, where she graduated from her doctorate in 2015. She has 20 years professional experience and is the winner of the 2016 Beth Southwell Research Award for Outstanding Educational Thesis and the 2018 Jean Denton Memorial Research Award. Andi’s research capabilities are strengthened by her experiences as a practitioner, and her leadership roles in early childhood education. Currently undertaking her Jean Denton research project and listed as a Chief Investigator on an ARC Linkage grant about practices enacted in digital society, Andi has a particular focus on making her work accessible to professionals and carers working and living with very young children. An advocate for infants’ rights and quality early years learning experiences for all children, Andi brings her passion to uphold children’s optimal learning into her work with pre-service teachers.

Natalie currently teaches students in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary),  the Bachelor of Education (K – 12) and Master of Education,  in the areas of inclusive education, literacy studies and English curriculum.
Natalie’s research interests include Literacies, Inclusive Education, social justice and Super complexity. She is currently undertaking her doctorate entitled Talking to children about literacies.

Dr Joy Wallace
Senior Lecturer with the School of Humanities & Social Sciences

A literary scholar, critic and researcher, Joy views the development of professional practice as a great strength at Charles Sturt University. Joy teaches literacy subjects that the English discipline provides to trainee school teachers, many of whom have not chosen English, and who are often of a generation moving further and further away from books. Joy is keen to explore how teachers are dealing with this challenge, as a way of improving her own pedagogy – and pedagogical research into English standards – so she can better equip her teacher trainee students.

Matthew Windslade
Faculty Office, Arts & Education

Matt Winslade is the Sub-Dean, Workplace Learning for the Faculty of Arts and Education. Matt has a strong educational background with over twenty years of teaching experience in the HPE field. Prior to moving into the tertiary sector he was both a Head Teacher in the state system and a Director of Sport in the Association of Independent schools. Matt has been awarded an Australian Council of Deans of Education award through the Australian Association for Research in Education and has received a citation for outstanding contribution to student learning. Matt’s doctoral research examined the changing nature of Health and Physical Education in Australian schools. His current research activities include evaluating school – university partnerships in relation to profession experience and school based health and physical activity programs. Matt also has a strong interest in exploring the development of inter-cultural competency in pre-service teachers and has created an international outreach program to support this interest. Matt has authored three books and in 2018 his joint publication titled Teaching Quality Health and Physical Education designed to support both teacher education students and in-service teachers was awarded Best Tertiary Teaching and Learning Resource at the Australian Educational Publishing Awards.
